Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Dinner Time!

At this point it was time to finish the interior. In order to create a scene that would be interesting and give the viewer something to look at I decided to recreate the dinner scene from the movie. For the most part I was able to use dollhouse accessories that I repainted and modified. There were some items that I did have to scratchbuild, the table, toolbox, hotplate, first aid kit, cb radio, etc.

To recreate the vinyl covering on the seat cushions I first sculpted the shape with Super Sculpey and then painted them with Tamiya Acrylics.


jriggity said...



Frank said...

Thanks! That means alot coming from you. I'm a huge fan of your blog and have been following your film from the beginning. Congratulations on finishing it. I look forward to your next project.

Unknown said...

Museum quality! I have never seen an Orca replica as closely matching the original.