Wednesday, October 8, 2008

L'eggs & The Easter Bunny

Okay, so there's no Easter Bunny but there are plastic eggs involved. If you're not familiar with one of ILM's favorite "found" parts then you didn't recognize what makes up the front of the engines. Back in the 70's a very common package that pantyhose came in was a plastic egg. Specifically L'egg's which they no longer use to package their product. Instead you have to hunt them down on EBay. Unfortunately, there is group of people out there that collect them so getting a hold of them is easier said than done so when you do get one - make a mold!

The front of the engines uses the top of the egg container and the back of the engines uses the bottom. Cutting the container to the correct size is a bit of a challenge. After some trial and error I filled the egg with expanding foam. After the foam was dry I cut then down to size on the table saw. It worked like a charm.

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