Sunday, October 19, 2008


Is Primer a scratchbuilder's best friend or worst enemy? Well, it can be both depending on how good of a job you did before you sprayed it. When you spray that first coat of primer all those bits and pieces that you glued together finally congeal and become one creation. And that is what should happen! But if you cut corners and rush through your build the primer will shine a spotlight on every defect and magnify it a thousand times. So, the lesson is to take your time and get it right otherwise you will be just setting yourself up for disappointment. More than likely it took you months to get to this point so why rush it now when you're in the home stretch? But, if you do come across any problems this is the time to fix them. So, go back and fill, sand, wet sand, and prime again until it's perfect.

The best part of the Y-Wing - all those greeblies!

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