Thursday, September 11, 2008

Probe Droid

I always seem to have my next project looming and the Probe Droid is it this time. There was a great kit out not long ago, but I find it alot more fun and rewarding to scratchbuild it myself. I started planning this one early because I wanted to add some electronics to the kit and I wanted time to figure it out.

Along with that kit there was an electronic add-on kit by Hyperdyne that moved the head and had lights and sound. I'm pretty good at electronics, but when it comes to microcontrollers I always hesitated. I knew to accomplish this I would have to attempt learning how to program a PIC microcontroller. I started asking around on the boards and someone suggested getting a PICAXE chip instead.

Basically, Picaxe chips are PIC microcontrollers that allow you program them in BASIC. I found this to be so much easier to learn and in just a few days I figured out how to write the program to do exactly what I wanted! It was pretty exciting - well at least it was to me. Anyway, when I finally get around to building this I'll do a how-to on the electronics. If you want to get more info on Picaxe chips check them out here:

If you have any questions just drop me an email and I will try my best to help you out.

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